Hello again its the Coffee Man here. So, many people including me love to live in rural areas. Its quite ,its beautiful and unspoiled nature, and the freedom level is a lot higher when your closest neighbor is a half a mile away. But... no high speed internet, none, zero, not even cell service. Now I know what your thinking sounds great right? It is, until you start a website and try to really make it work. We found a temporary work around and have been using that for 2 years! It wouldn't work if it rained, if it was cloudy, if there were too many people at the lake, or if it just didn't feel like working. Top speed of this nameless work around, (it's a little bit of a secret) is 1 mb per second! It would never last all day and the upload speed was abysmal, 30 minutes to upload a picture. Please make mental note of all the pictures on our website and do the math. One day driving home I noticed Co-Mo Connect running fiber on our road! The level of excitement was high, We called to sign up for the service and found out that they had reach the end of there service area, four poles away from our house! We went to our local Co-Mo office, with coffee samples and begged for them to take our money. That was 2 month ago and it has been a bit of a journey, but we have high speed internet! Thanks to our friends at Co-Mo Connect.
We will try to post more often in the future. And more pictures of the farm, and perhaps a video or two from the roastery. Bear with us because we have developed no internet habits that are hard to break. Basically, I cant upload pictures because I've got other things to do today.

Ok I'm fully caffeinated now and it's time to get to work. Have a wonderful day and remember that Life's your cup , drink it up. Coffee Man out.